Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Finished playing Pokemon Platinum Version

Finished my second playthrough of Pokémon Platinum Version (2007, Gamefreak, Nintendo DS) on 11/25/2014.
Gameplay hours: ~200

Young kids leave their hometown on a long and adventurous journey as they receive their very first Pokémon. Along the way they test their mettle against the region's top Pokémon trainers to prove themselves worthy of the Elite Four challenge and beyond! But sinister enemies known as Team Galactic lurk in the shadows with a plot that transcends time, space and even alternate dimensions...

8.5/10 – This game is not only longer, but also a bit harder than Diamond & Pearl. Wow, did I get frustrated with these people's over-leveled teams. Not that it's a bad thing. The game is certainly challenging, which is good. But if you have a hard time getting yourself a Lucky Egg then you're in for some long hours of grinding. Personally, I'm not a big fan of that. A little grinding is welcome, but at the same time I want to just move on. Buuuut... I guess I should keep in mind that I always go through Pokémon games with a main team of six, equally-leveled Pokémon. Perhaps that only makes it more time-consuming. Aside from that this game has a lot of offer comparing to its basic counterparts, naturally. Even the storyline was a bit extended, and a bit may be an understatement. All in all, great game. Onto the next one.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Finished watching Dennou Coil

Finished watching Dennou Coil (2007, Madhouse, 26 epi.) on 11/1/2014.

Dennou Coil revolves around a group of kids solving a mystery based on a rumor about a girl who's spirit was trapped in the cybernetic world of the high-tech, augmented reality glasses almost everyone wears. These glasses are the new smart phones with a lot more capabilities and more importantly, augmented reality.

8/10 – The story develops a bit slow and it almost feels like a video game tutorial as they indirectly introduce the various concepts and terms of these smart glasses to the viewer. But soon enough a plot is revealed and the story picks up. Funny things happen. Things get heated. The plot thickens. And it darkens. Without spoiling anything I'll just end by saying that I loved this show. The animation is good and the soundtrack is great too. The characters are very likable as well. It will certainly always have a place in my heart.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Finished watching Nichijou

Finished watching Nichijou (2011, Kyoto Animation, 26 ep.) on 10/10/2014.

Nichijou, as the title suggest, follows the normal everyday lives of the townsfolk of Tokisadame, with main focus on a select few characters such as highschool students Yuko and Mio. However, you may soon find out that their normal standards are a bit off from what you would consider normal.

7.5/10 – This show is strangely hilarious. Like, the things they do are so confusingly funny in a way that sometimes you can even relate to it. And some of the skits were just so absurd that they just leave you wondering "wtf" instead of making you laugh. But still funny in their weird Nichijou way. Along with lots of lulz the art quality and animation of this show is pretty awesome and I love its soft colors. The show also has a bit of heart as it comes with its share of feel-good moments.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Finished playing Pokemon Pearl Version

Finished my third playthrough of Pokémon Pearl Version (2007, Gamefreak, Nintendo DS) on 9/23/2014.
Gameplay Hours: ~100

Young kids leave their hometown on a long and adventurous journey as they receive their very first Pokémon. Along the way they test their mettle against the region's top Pokémon trainers to prove themselves worthy of the Elite Four challenge and beyond! But sinister enemies known as Team Galactic lurk in the shadows with a plot that transcends time and space...

8/10 – You can really see this series improve with each new generation, and Sinnoh is no different. I remember this was the generation that got me back into the franchise after the Johto games and maybe that's why this is also my favorite generation. I also really enjoy all the new Pokémon - Turtwig, Pachirisu and Chatot being some of my top favorite ones. I always enjoy playing every new generation that comes out and this one just happens to be one of the ones that really stuck with me. The graphics are quite vivid, but not an eyesore. The soundtrack itself even shares that same personality, and I really enjoy it! Plus there's so much more to do after the endgame I clocked at about 100 hours before I really considered myself done with this game.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Finished watching Space Pirate Captain Harlock Movie

Finished watching Space Pirate Captain Harlock Movie (2013, Toei Animation, 1h 55m) on 9/28/2014.

Mankind is at its wit's end as life outside of a devastated Earth proves to be nearly impossible. But Earth is governed by a greedy alliance known as the Gaia Coalition. Space Pirate Captain Harlock commands the fearsome Arcadia battleship as he plunders the alliance's spaceships to fight for the freedom of Earth, but can we really be saved by a man himself shrouded in mystery?

8.5/10 – This movie was, in my opinion, a great reboot of the original story. As I've mentioned many times before, it's not like Leiji's Harlock works are consistent with each other to begin with but this was a pretty cool re-imagining compared to the rest. Most of the original characters were there with some new ones as well. Some of the character's names were changed to something else and even the official translation had names different from the new ones too, which was a little weird for me but I didn't really care because I knew who these characters really were in essence. Now, let's talk about the graphics. Wow. It's an improvement on movies like Advent Children if you've ever watched it. It is so visually stunning it hurts. And of course, they have to show off how good it is with some pointless scene where this chick does an air flip in the shower for no reason whatsoever. I was so lost. But the story was awesome. Actually it was a bit dull towards the first third of the movie but then there's a plot twist that really got me! This movie is decently long and I loved the way it ended even though I saw it coming. Awesome. Awesome stuff.