Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Finished playing Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap

Finished playing Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (2004, Capcom, Game Boy Advance) on 10/29/2015.
Play Time: 30 hours

Princess Zelda is turned to stone by an evil sorcerer named Vaati and it's up to Link to travel Hyrule in search of the four elements that will restore the legendary Four Sword in order to turn the princess back to normal.

9/10 – This game was fun and I couldn't stop fusing Kinstones. I didn't bother completing the figures collection but I got at least half of them... I think. I do want to come back one day and get them all. I can't think of anything bad to say about this title except for the fact that mini Link speed was a little annoying, but understandable. And the last boss battle was a little too hard to figure out. Then again, it was developed by Capcom *megamanjokes*.