Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Finished Watching Sailor Moon S (1994)

Finished watching Sailor Moon S (1994, Toei Animation, 38 epi) on 11/22/2018.

A new enemy presents itself to the Sailor Guardians in the form of five scientist witches working under the orders of a mad scientist as they search for pure hearts to steal from their unfortunate victims. Not only that but mysterious, rogue Sailor Guardians have shown up also looking for special pure hearts known as the Talismans.

Another alright season. The episodes get a tad bit repetitive with that monster-of-the-week type of writing. This also ends up creating some episodes with absolutely no development whatsoever, or monster designs that had absolutely no effort. I'm looking at you car-tire monster woman. But there was one episode in this season that I found immensely hilarious. The funniest episode in the whole series perhaps, and it's one that focuses on Aino Minako. I'll let you find it out on your own. I don't want to spoil anything.
The animation and writing again both suffer from having different producers and animation teams throughout the different episodes. Watching this season, I'm starting to think that the less important an episode is, the cheaper is production quality becomes, with highly climactic episodes being worked on by experienced teams.
I also noticed some big differences in story compared to the original work. The way the two new Sailor Guardians are introduced for example and less of a focus on the school they attend. I remember there was one plot point involving plants that took place in the school in the manga, but in the show it was actually used in the first season, if I remember correctly.

7/10 - I know I said this before, but I'll say it again. Cut out the unnecessary filler.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Finished watching Sailor Moon R: the Movie (1993)

Finished watching Sailor Moon R the Movie: The Promise of the Rose (1993, Toei Animation, 61 min) on 9/19/2018.

A meteor from space brings with it an alien threat. The Sailor Guardians are on the case and before it even lands they know this is no ordinary comet. This isn't the only problem on their hands, as a friend from Mamoru's childhood returns and he's got a jealous bone to pick with Usagi, and a promise he must fulfill to his old friend. One that might just have to be broken by Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians.

Promise of the Rose is actually a pretty good movie. It is loosely based on the filler arc of Sailor Moon R involving characters Ail and An. It took some visual and story elements easily recognizable from that arc to create what is for the most part an original story. And the animation quality is great, with fight sequences that are just great to watch.

8/10 - I would totally watch this one more time.