Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Finished watching Your Name

Finished watching Your Name (2016, CoMix Wave Films, 1h 46m) on 04/21/2017.

Mitsuha is a country girl who dreams of life in the city. Taki, is a city boy who spends his days juggling between school and his part-time job. Their fates suddenly become intertwined when they begin experiencing a phenomena that puts them in each other's bodies. While at first this confuses them, they get used to the common occurrence and attempt to communicate with each other in hopes of eventually meeting up in person.

9/10 - This is a movie that's loosely based on an older one by the same name. I think only the concept of meeting up with someone without many leads to go by is what they share in common. At first the movie explores the funnier side of swapping bodies. But eventually plot comes in and says "Hey, we got a movie to make here!" and drama unfolds the story into something that I assure you will be too much for your poor little heart to handle. All of a sudden they want to meet each other, and they plan things out and then... Well, spoilers happen, that's what! Now my heart feels played and I don't know how to handle my emotions anymore! Why are you still reading this stupid review! Go watch the movie! Nothing else can save you now! WAAAHAHHH! D: