Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Finished Watching Sailor Moon S (1994)

Finished watching Sailor Moon S (1994, Toei Animation, 38 epi) on 11/22/2018.

A new enemy presents itself to the Sailor Guardians in the form of five scientist witches working under the orders of a mad scientist as they search for pure hearts to steal from their unfortunate victims. Not only that but mysterious, rogue Sailor Guardians have shown up also looking for special pure hearts known as the Talismans.

Another alright season. The episodes get a tad bit repetitive with that monster-of-the-week type of writing. This also ends up creating some episodes with absolutely no development whatsoever, or monster designs that had absolutely no effort. I'm looking at you car-tire monster woman. But there was one episode in this season that I found immensely hilarious. The funniest episode in the whole series perhaps, and it's one that focuses on Aino Minako. I'll let you find it out on your own. I don't want to spoil anything.
The animation and writing again both suffer from having different producers and animation teams throughout the different episodes. Watching this season, I'm starting to think that the less important an episode is, the cheaper is production quality becomes, with highly climactic episodes being worked on by experienced teams.
I also noticed some big differences in story compared to the original work. The way the two new Sailor Guardians are introduced for example and less of a focus on the school they attend. I remember there was one plot point involving plants that took place in the school in the manga, but in the show it was actually used in the first season, if I remember correctly.

7/10 - I know I said this before, but I'll say it again. Cut out the unnecessary filler.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Finished watching Sailor Moon R: the Movie (1993)

Finished watching Sailor Moon R the Movie: The Promise of the Rose (1993, Toei Animation, 61 min) on 9/19/2018.

A meteor from space brings with it an alien threat. The Sailor Guardians are on the case and before it even lands they know this is no ordinary comet. This isn't the only problem on their hands, as a friend from Mamoru's childhood returns and he's got a jealous bone to pick with Usagi, and a promise he must fulfill to his old friend. One that might just have to be broken by Sailor Moon and the Sailor Guardians.

Promise of the Rose is actually a pretty good movie. It is loosely based on the filler arc of Sailor Moon R involving characters Ail and An. It took some visual and story elements easily recognizable from that arc to create what is for the most part an original story. And the animation quality is great, with fight sequences that are just great to watch.

8/10 - I would totally watch this one more time.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Finished watching Sailor Moon R (1993)

Finished watching Sailor Moon R (1993, Toei Animation, 43 epi) on 9/14/2018.

   Tsukino Usagi and her friends don't remember their adventures as the Sailor Guardians after their battle against Queen Metalia. But that soon changes when a meteor crash-lands in town, bringing with it two alien beings, siblings Ail and An who's goal is to collect human energy to restore their source of life, the Makaiju Tree they traveled with. But that is the least of the Sailor Guardian's troubles as a deeper darkness lies in their future...

This season starts off with a filler arc that isn't too shabby. The characters Ail and An come from a different planet and their goal is to gather energy so they can live. But they are met with resistance once the Sailor Guardians find out they are using monsters that attack civilians to accomplish their goal. The monsters they call upon each have a theme that is different from one episode to the next. This is pretty much your typical Sailor Moon episode recipe. Then the Dark Kingdom arc comes along with new villains who pretty much do the same thing with different goals in mind. This is an actual arc in the manga where the enemy's plot is to strategically place dark-power imbued statues at certain points in the city surrounding an area where the Crystal Palace will one day stand. A new character is introduced as well. Chibiusa, the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru who traveled from the future to obtain the Silver Crystal.
Sailor Moon R wasn't too bad of a season but it could've been a little better for a few reasons. The biggest problem I had was with Mizuno being reduced to her bookworm element. All I remember her doing aside from fighting the monsters, was constantly telling the other girls that they should be studying every time she showed up on in an episode. Like, that was all she did. It felt like she wasn't a person anymore. I also noticed that the art style seemed to change from episode to episode. While this itself isn't a problem, some episodes looked really rushed and low quality. When I looked it up, I also learned that the series had multiple directors and art directors for all the different episodes they made. This would also explain how I found some episodes better written than others. Lastly there's Chibiusa's odd relationship with her future parents. And this is something that's been carried over from the original work, but it still bothers me how obsessed she is with Mamoru. It's written in a way that borderlines a romantic relationship. It's very suggestive. And as if that wasn't enough, Usagi gets jealous of her for it. It's all kinds of messed up!
But that's it, really. I didn't think Sailor Moon R was bad, but I didn't find it better than the first season. The new batch of villains were interesting, some not so much. Overall, it was alright!

7/10 - Could've used a little less filler content.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes (1988)

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes (1988, Artland, Madhouse, Magic Bus, 110 OVAs) on 8/18/2018.

   Two opposing forces rule the Milky Way. The Free Planets Alliance, whose military space force is commanded by the talented genius fleet admiral, Yang Wenli; and the Galactic Empire whom with their very own military prodigy, Reinhardt von Musel quickly rising up in the ranks, seek to overpower the alliance for complete control of the galaxy.

   Oof! What a long and intricate journey this show has been for me. Definitely glad I watched it for sure. Seems like a very important piece of anime history in my books, at least. Seriously, the immense size and depth of Legend of the Galactic Heroes is not one to take lightly. And while it may overwhelm its viewers with history and military technicalities, I believe most folks can still very well enjoy the show just on the easier elements to grasp. I'm talking about the character aspect of the show and the beauty of its art style. What I mean is that Legend of the Galactic Heroes dwells immensely on political monkey-business and space war shenanigans, which is fine, I believe that's one of the major things that defines the series, but its individual characters and their personalities and development are just as fleshed out as the tactical warfare that goes on in space. To compliment the beauty of this show, the soundtrack is comprised of various works by famous classical musicians such as Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Vivaldi among many others. I'm not quite sure of this, but I believe not one track was composed specifically for this show.

9/10 - Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a beautiful piece of artwork in all its aspects, and one that I think represents the best in the vast world of anime.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Finished watching Sailor Moon

Finished watching Sailor Moon (1992, Toei Animation, 46 epi) on 6/12/2018.

   Tsukino Usagi is your average middle school girl. Or she would be if she wasn't late to school so much and her grades a little better. Not only that but now her life is even further from being average after meeting a talking, black cat named Luna who grants Usagi powers that turn her into Sailor Moon, a magical warrior of love. And with these powers she must fight the evil monsters of the Dark Kingdom, as she gathers together the remaining Sailor Soldiers to help her find the fabled Moon Princess!

   Sailor Moon has been a crazy ride of ups and downs for me. I've started reading the manga last year and I found it to be abysmal... but I'll leave that for the manga review. The anime however... blew my mind. It was so much better, I dare use the word superior even. And the funny thing is, I feel like it's only half based on the manga as most of the episodes stories didn't happen in the manga, and even the events that do take place tend to be very different. So a lot of it ends up being original stories that just happen to follow the base plot of the manga. Usually I'd scoff at that amount of filler content but this ended up working beautifully for something based on an original work where the only good thing it had for it was its basic concept. So the animated series ends up being what the manga should've been from the start. Heck, even the main character, who I despised the most in the manga, was pretty entertaining in the show. But that's why all the filler content is good. Because in this case it's used to flesh out characters and develop them in ways that the manga lacked.
   Okay, enough about the manga though. I want to talk about the background art and the music. As they are both amazing! I don't know whose idea was to create such magical backgrounds with colorful gradients and tones, but I'm in love with the style. And then there's the music. It was the 90's so it certainly has that city pop hint on some of the tracks, but I also think everything was recorded organically, or at least it sounds like it might've been. Not sure what the sampling technology was like back then. For anime productions, at least. The tracks used really convey the emotions they were intended for, and these range quite widely with a great variety in instruments.

8/10 - It's a really great show overall, and now I understand where the legacy of the franchise comes from, but for the time it was released storytelling techniques in anime were still developing and so there are some hiccups here and there.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Finished watching Banner of the Stars 3

Finished watching Banner of the Stars 3 (2005, Sunrise, 2 epi) on 3/23/2018.

Using his Navy pension and financial support from the King, Jinto plans to return to Martine, his home planet on the Hyde system with the goal of constructing of an anti matter fuel supply chain, thus establishing his Earldom. However, things don't go so smoothly as Martine has still not surrendered to the Empire. On top of that, a squadron of a new class of Assault Vessels is being commissioned by the Empire and Hyde has been chosen as the trial grounds.

Hm... Hahahah! I don't really have much to say about this one in comparison to BotS2. It was still a good production. I think if anything, it was interesting to see how things developed in Martine years after Jinto had left. With his return, he faces some racial prejudice against the Abh. And then there's his adoptive parents and how they feel about Jinto's life as they pose a difficult decision for Jinto to make. The production quality was still pretty good, but that's about it.

8/10 - Maybe I'll look into reading the novels one day.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Finished playing Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions

Finished playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (2007, TOSE, Square Enix, PSP) on 3/19/2018 for the second time.

Play Time: +600 hours

After a gruesome conflict known as the Fifty Year War, another grim chapter awaits the land of Ivalice whose political strife and economical instability are now topped with the recent death of its king. And with the only heir to the throne being an infant, the kingdom is split yet again on the decision of a regent between Prince Goltana, represented by a Black Lion, and Prince Larg, symbolized by a White Lion. This comes to be known as the War of the Lions, and in the midst of all its conflicts is a boy named Ramza Beowulve whose major role in the history of this war was covered up by an influential religious institution known as the Church of Glabados.

Man, oh man, oh man! I've never had such a wild ride of ups and downs with a game before. I've also never played a single player campaign for this long!
So, Final Fantasy Tactics takes place in a medieval setting where magical abilities and mystical creatures abound. The game's political plot is complex and mature played by a varied array of characters. While the plot's maturity is welcome, the number of characters might make it a bit hard to follow along. But their Shakespearean dialogue makes it only more interesting to pay close attention to. I believe it wasn't so Shakespearean in the original PlayStation release.
I've never played the original western release of this game, but from what I've heard War of the Lions brought the difficulty level up to the original Japanese release, which sometimes can be very unforgiving to the point of some battles feeling unnecessarily punishing. This is especially frustrating with story battles that can't be skipped, and is only made worse if you decide to overwrite your save file in between battles with multiple fights as you'll find yourself stuck in the character select screen with no option to go back to the overworld map, leaving you with the only option to start the game all over again or keep trying to beat the battle you're stuck on by hoping for a miracle. This sort of happened to me, but not because I overwrote my save file as such, it was because I had to collect and steal certain rare items (not required) before defeating all the enemies. But because the enemies were so powerful compared to mine, I ended up resetting the game an unbelievable amount of times over the period of two of three weeks before I was miraculously able to do it. And it's not like leveling up my team would've mattered as enemy levels grow with you.
And then there's the very limited amount of character units you can recruit. It's about 32, I think, which doesn't leave much room for ordinary recruits when you're trying to obtain every single special and story character there is. This was a struggle for me as I ended up having to sacrifice characters I had spent hours upon hours of training and leveling up, just to make room for folks like Cloud or Balthier to join the party. Had I known how many spots I should have reserved when I started the game, I wouldn't have recruited and trained so many folks. That's really one of the major contributors to my insane playtime. Next time I'll know better, I suppose. But I'm probably not going to play this game again. I wouldn't want to put myself through another round of this sadistic game difficulty. And if I do, it won't be for a long time. Maybe if there's a remake, I don't know.
But I'm not trying to say the game is completely terrible for that. In fact, I very much enjoyed it for its story, characters and battle mechanics. The whole job system and the thinking you have to do on the battlefield is very engaging. And the cutscenes are great too! The cell shaded models combined with the cross-hatching render gives them a very magical storybook kind of feel. I love it! It's really just the punishing difficulty of this game that ruined the experience for me.

8.5/10 - *whine* The game is too haaaard! ( T ^ T)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Finished watching Banner of the Stars 2

Finished watching Banner of the Stars 2 (2001, Sunrise, 10 epi) on 3/15/2018.

Things only get more complicated for Jinto and Lafiel in this new venture. In the vast wake of Fleet Commander Bebaus' conquest of planets, Lafiel is put in charge of planet Lobnas II as a Territorial Ambassador. Upon arriving they come to find that Lobnas II was being used by the United Mankind to house a million prisoners divided into three blocks. The western block was designated for female inmates only while the eastern block is for males. In the middle however is the section where both make and female prisoners co-mingle on the condition of being sterilized. But when the women of the western block demand to be emigrated from the planet, the eastern men rebel. And to top it all off, Lafiel must deal with an incoming enemy fleet, forcing her to make what is possibly her most regrettable decision.

This season had me at the edge of my seat. Trying to handle the politics between all the prison blocks was quite troublesome for the main characters, specially when the show tells you straight off the bat something is going to go horribly wrong with one of your favorite characters. It was definitely well written and amazing to watch Lafiel deal with so much crap at once.

8/10 - It was a bit of a thriller, really.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Finished watching Banner of the Stars

Finished watching Banner of the Stars (2000, Sunrise, 13 epi) on 2/14/2018.

Three years have passed. Lafiel and Jinto have matured and achieved high ranks in the Abh navy. Lafiel has become the captain of a new assault ship called Basroil and Jinto has finished his training to become a Supply Officer under her command. And so, they depart to join a large fleet whose mission is to defend the Laptic Gate from a force that incredibly outnumbers their own. As if that wasn't troublesome enough, the Abh fleet commander comes from an infamous family name, known for their "spectacular insanity".

First thing to notice here is the improvement in art style. Namely, their head shapes are no longer distracting. And the animation quality has also improved as well with cleaner lines. No only that, but the bridge crew adds some new supporting characters to enjoy, which in a story that is not only politically-driven but also dependent on the relationship between characters, it comes as a good addition. However, only one of the new bridge crew members seems to receive most of the attention. And that is Samson Tirusec. Samson is a human Ship Engineer who likes to poke fun at Jinto about him and Lafiel once in a while, and enjoy a couple of drinks over a nice conversation with his crew mates. He's also a bit of a laid back character, but overall I enjoy his screen time.

8/10 - Definitely enjoyed it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Finished watching Crest of the Stars

Finished watching Crest of the Stars (1999, Sunrise, 13 epi) on 1/27/2018.

Jinto was a young lad when the Abh Empire invaded his home planet. On that day, his father traded his position as the president of Martine for a high rank in the Empire. Years passed and now Jinto, as a young count must learn the ways of the Abh by attending one of their schools. Babysitting him through this process is an Abh princess named Lafiel Abriel. But after being picked up by an Abh ship, they come under attack by human Alliance forces.

This series was brought to my attention by a close friend of mine. And I'm very happy he mentioned it to me as I've come to enjoy this series very much. It had a hint of Legend of the Galactic Heroes in terms of political strife, and a hint of Space Battleship Yamato in terms of action and a character-driven plot. I think what I enjoyed most about this was the relationship between Lafiel and Jinto. Some might find Jinto to be too simple of a character. In my opinion however, I think it's that ordinary-Joe characteristic to him that I find appealing. He also seems to be very laid back and kind person which I think plays well into the dynamic between him and Lafiel. Lafiel can be a bit of a mean cat sometimes with her tsundere antics, but Jinto's kindness sort of tames that feistiness in her. I somehow find that comforting to watch. Maybe Jinto is the kind of person I wish I was. Maybe that's why their relationship is the main thing that kept me watching.

7.5/10 - The only two things that really bothered me was the very strange shape of their heads and the almost trivial conversations and monologues of the Abh captains. Almost as if stalling for screen time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War (1993, Magic Bus, 1hr 30mins) on 1/20/2018.

It's October, 795 of the Universal Calendar. Imperial and Alliance fleets return to their nations after the gruesome Fourth Battle of Tiamat. On the Imperial side, Reinhard takes a chance to visit Annerose, his beloved sister. On the other side, Yang encourages Jean Lapp, a close friend to go forth with a marriage proposal to Jessica Edwards, another close friend of theirs. But contrary to Yang's and Reinhard's assumptions, a major expedition is soon scheduled by the Empire to have Reinhard invade the Alliance with 20,000 ships.

Man... this movie. It was a gem. I don't want to say a lot because I want you to experience it for yourself. Obviously the story is great. Definitely has some top notch art quality. It just left me with a lot of emotions.

8/10 - Really awesome movie. It has more of an impact if you've familiarized yourself with the characters through the Gaiden series.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Dishonor

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Dishonor (1998, Artland, JC Staff, 4 OVAs) on 1/17/2018.

November 795 of the Universal Calendar. As Reinhard von Musel's countship to Lohengram is almost upon him, he must prepare himself for the occasion. Meanwhile, promising to join him after the ceremony, he instructs Siegfried Kircheis to leave for a vacation at an artificial resort satellite called Kreuznach III. Upon check-in at a hotel however, Kircheis takes action to save Michael von Keyserling, a disgraced former Vice Admiral from a knife-wielding drug addict, turning his vacation into a police investigation.

This was a really fun arc because the story wasn't the usual Gaiden format. It didn't focus on Yang or Reinhard. This was Kircheis participating in a police investigation! There was even a crazy zero gravity knife fight! It was nuts! I almost feared for his life. I love Kircheis. I hope nothing bad happens to him. Ever. My baby.

8/10 - Long live Kircheis.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: The Third Tiamat Battle

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: The Third Tiamat Battle (2000, JC Staff, 2 OVAs) on 1/12/2018.

December 794 of the Universal Calendar. Kaiser Friedrich IV's 30th year of reign is almost at-hand. To commemorate this, the Galactic Empire announces a large scale military campaign against the Free Planets Alliance comprising of 35,400 ships.

Man, this battle was a bit of a mess from start to finish. Specially for the Alliance forces with warships abandoning their escort missions in fear of the impeding massive Imperial fleet. And then there's the Alliance's 11th Fleet pulling a bold opening attack, ignoring tactics by-the-book.

8/10 - A short arc, this one. But the ending was so good!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Finished watching Record of Lodoss War

Finished watching Record of Lodoss War (1993, Madhouse, 13 epi) on 1/11/2018.

Parn is a young man traveling the land of Lodoss with a diverse group of allies such as Deedlit the elf, and Ghim the dwarf. Together they plan to oppose the forces of a witch bent on political chaos between the kingdoms of Lodoss so as to preserve the land by keeping any one faction from taking central control. 

This was a beautiful show based on a series of novels about a land of magic and mystical beings. I'd love to own an HD copy of this show because I'd watch it again in a heartbeat. Seriously, it's got that beauty that good anime shows in the 90's used to have and the animation is pretty awesome too. The story though is a little bit slow at times, despite the small number of episodes, and sometimes it gets a little jumpy. There's only so much character development going on too, but not to say that the character's themselves weren't interesting, because they were fun to follow. And the soundtrack isn't too shabby. It's got some memorable tracks here and there, specially the opening and ending themes. Speaking of which, the opening for this show is a beautiful piece of art all on it's own, the song only makes it an even more memorable experience.

Also, apparently there's a top-view MMORPG by the same name. Here's a Portuguese video by a friend showcasing the gameplay:

8/10 - If you're into Lord of the Rings then there's a good chance you'll enjoy this baby.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: a Hundred Billion Stars, a Hundred Billion Lights

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: A Hundred Billion Stars, a Hundred Billion Lights (1998, Artland, JC Staff, 12 OVAs) on 1/9/2018.

March 794 of the Universal Calendar. Galactic Empire forces under Gregor von Mückenberger command are stuck in a stale-mate with Alliance Forces, commanded by Lasalle Lobos in the Van-Fleet Starzone. Mückenberger orders the Grimmelshausen Fleet to reorganize at Van-Fleet 4-2, a satellite of the fourth planet orbiting Van-Fleet. But the Imperial forces biggest obstacle in Van-Fleet 4-2 might just be a group of experienced ground forces known as the Rosen Ritter.

This was a bit longer Gaiden arc than usual, but also just as entertaining. Lots of man to man battles on this one as opposed to the usual space stuff. But also a good focus on some other Alliance characters that aren't Yang's direct friends or subordinates. A liked how Grimmelshausen was a bit of a crazy old-coot. I almost lost it when he tried shooting himself in the head during a mission briefing meeting because they wanted to put his fleet in the the rear lines where he couldn't affect much of the battles. Talk about a passive-aggressive tantrum. And then there's Reinhard of course. He just couldn't stand the guy, but the way he reacted to him was funny.

8/10 - Definitely another fun arc.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Dreams of the Morning, Songs of the Night

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Dreams of the Morning, Songs of the Night (1998, Artland, JC Staff, 4 OVAs) on 12/23/2017.

April 793 of the Universal Calendar. Reinhard and Kircheis visit their Alma Mater in Odin during some downtime as they await their next assignment. After finally receiving their new posts in the Imperial Military Police, the two friends are summoned back to the school where they must investigate the apparent murder of Karl von Reifeisen, a student who died the night before.

Just some more bonding between the dynamic duo of LoGH as we continue on with the Gaiden series.

8/10 - D'awwww! Look at them sitting under a tree watching youthful boys play soccer and solving a case at the same time.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Retriever

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Retriever (2000, JC Staff, 4 OVAs) on 12/19/2017.

December 792 of the Univeral Calendar. Half a year has passed since the Fifth War of Iserlohn. Reinhard von Müsel, now captain of the Hässliche Entlein cruiser receives a secret task to seek and apprehend Count Herxheimer, a defect of the Galactic Empire who escaped with a stolen Seffle Particle Generator prototype. However, the Count's escape has to be kept under wraps, and so Reinhard must carry on this mission with only his cruiser and no reinforcements.

Not much new to say about this arc of Gaiden 2. Though it is one of those uncommon instances where you get to see melee combat. I find the combat suits from both factions really interesting. Specially the empire ones. They're kind of creepy and remind me of the Crimson Knights from .hack//sign.

8/10 - Kircheis is an angel.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Finished watching Macross 7

Finished watching Macross 7 + Macross 7 Plus + Macross 7 Encore (1994~95, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Studio Nue, 49 Epi + 3 OVAs + 11 Shorts) on 12/17/2017.

Nekki Basara is the lead singer of Fire Bomber, a somewhat popular rock-band aboard the space colony ship, Macross 7. During one of their outdoor concerts, Macross 7 is attacked by a large number of mysterious enemies piloting heavily-modified Valkyries. Named Protodeviln, these enemies attack opposing pilots by stealing an energy called Spiritia, leaving them seemingly brainwashed. Owning a modified state-of-the-art red Valkyrie of his own, Basara takes off mid-concert to engage the enemy... with his own fighting style; playing music.

So, usually when I get into an anime franchise I tend to be a completionist (to some extent) by watching all the episodes of all the different series and spin-offs by either release date or story chronology. Macross 7 however was a bit of an exception for me. When I first researched the franchise, I often heard that Macross 7 was skippable or it was a silly series, not to bother with it, etc. Others however loved it, and apparently it was very popular in Japan. Or at least the music was, I heard. After watching Delta, I had gotten used to watching Macross and sort of needed one more hit, that's when I decided to give 7 a try. And boy, what a ride I was in for. It really was as I had been advised. Silly, over-the-top, corny, ridiculous, confusing. But it was good! It was also fun! I think having gone into 7 with the expectations put forth by other fans was what sort of eased me into enjoying 7. I knew it was going to be different from what I had seen so far, and so with that open-mind... I found myself singing with Basara outloud as he battled cringy alien monster designs and even when he wasn't battling and his band needed a helping-hand! And Basara, oh, Nekki friggin Basara, that man is quite the work-of-art. Not only do I think he's pretty awesome, but also a complete ass butt to his friends. He can be such a selfish little toad! Aside from that... I really enjoyed the music in this one, and they really make the show about it. There's always two or three songs that get played by episode, but they're so catchy and awesome that I don't really get tired of them. In fact I look forward to it. The variety of songs keep it from getting repetive... well, to an extent. Aside from that the show could really be more coherent. Some episodes feel a bit filler-y and the enemy designs, like I mentioned are just not that great. They seem a bit generic for my taste.

7.5/10 - Really love the music!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Golden Wings

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Golden Wings (1992, Magic Bus, 59 mins) on 12/13/2017.

Young Reinhard von Müsel has just moved in town with his father, Sebastian and older sister, Annerose. The next door neighbor, not much older than Reinhard is curious to meet them, but also shy. His name is Siegfried Kircheis, and his curiosity is soon quenched when noticed by Reinhard in his yard. And when Annerose meets the two by the bushes where Siegfried peeked from, he immediately falls in love with her and the three become the closest of friends. A bond that would shape humanity and even space itself for years to come.

I think I had already watched Reinhard and Kircheis' meeting in one of the Gaiden arcs, but I found it interesting to see them drawn in a different style. Even the military outfits are different. Well, it's actually the style from the first manga adaptation in 1986 by the same name. However, I haven't read it so I can't say how it compares. Personally I enjoy the style of the original show better, but obviously that's from a different studio and it's one I've gotten used to. Anyways, I digress. The movie was still enjoyable and its animation quality was pretty decent.

7.5/10 - At 59 mins running time this movie is not too long and not too short.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Duelist

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Duelist (2000, JC Staff, 4 OVAs) on 12/13/2017.

Reinhard von Musel finds himself involved in Imperial power politics after volunteering to duel on behalf of his sister's friend, Viscountess Dorothea von Schafhausen to settle a dispute over mining rights. Upon hearing of Reinhard's participation, Sussanna von Beenemünde hires an assassin to take the place of Reinhard's original opponent.

There's no keeping Reinhard and Kircheis from finding trouble, be it in space or on land. Again, these misadventures are very fun to watch as we accompany Reinhard's climb up the Imperial ladder.

8/10 - Moooar!!!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Mutineer

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Mutineer (2000, JC Staff, 4 OVAs) on 12/8/2017.

Chief Navigator Reinhard von Müsel and close-friend, Security Officer Siegfried Kircheis embark on their first Imperial Fleet assignment aboard the Hameln II Destroyer. While captain of the ship, Adenauer welcomes the two on board impressed by their achievements, the rest of the ship's crew are not so warm to new recruits. During an Iserlohn Corridor patrol later on, Hameln II and the unit its part of are ambushed by a Free Planets Alliance squadron, severely injuring Adenauer who passes command over to Reinhard.

This story almost reminds me of an episode of Macross 7 where the colony ship is headed for a collision with a sun while repairs to an engine take place outside. Either way, the dynamic duo of Legend of the Galactic Heroes keeps on entertaining the fans with their smarts and bold ideas.

8/10 - Very entertaining as usual. Let's keep watching!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Silver-White Valley

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden: Silver-White Valley (1998, Artland, JC Staff, 4 OVAs) on 12/09/2017.

Upon graduating from an Imperial military school, Reinhardt and Kircheis are dispatched to serve at a snow covered military base on planet Kapche-Lanka. There, they receive their very first assignment against the Empire's enemy, the Alliance of Free Planets. But something more sinister is afoot when their assigned tank mysteriously runs out of fuel, leaving them stranded in a snow-storm.

Boy, what a duo of characters. It's really fun watching Reinhardt and Kircheis fold their enemies' plans as inseparable best buddies. I like how sly they can be too. Makes their revenge that much sweeter to watch. I'm also really enjoying this series art style. It's very beautiful. And I think it's interesting how the music tracks are all classical music by famous composers like Mozart.

9/10 - Really great, unique series here! It's very entertaining to watch!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Finished watching Megazone 23 Part II

Finished watching Megazone 23 Part II (1986, Artland, AIC, Tatsunoko, 80 mins.) on 12/05/2017.

Attempting to return to a normal life with "Trash", his bike gang and Yui, his girlfriend, Yahagi Shogo finds himself answering the call for help from EVE, the digital songstress idol programmed to protect the city of Megazone, as the government that rules the people plots to take control over EVE's capabilities.

Well, this was... interesting. And a bit hard to follow. The first thing you'll notice about this second entry in the Megazone 23 series is the drastic change in the visual style. And it's one I'm not very fond of, to be honest. It got a bit distracting. But I can't say I completely hate it either. I think I understand its appeal. It has to do with the age it was produced in, and I have to say it's certainly a style from the 80's. I'm sure they picked it up from some other media, maybe even western media like the Heavy Metal movie. The art style is especially distracting with the scene where human ships get attacked by alien robots and it's really gory, unnecessarily so and they just keep playing it over and over or whatever. And then there's the Captain of the ship who just looks like a Muppet character. It was cringy for sure. But let's move on. The visual style was not the only thing that changed. It was the character's basic design. The girl's hair, for example used to be blue, now it's just brown. Funny enough however, EVE, the digital music idol seems to have retained her original appearance from the previous movie. Other than that, the movie was alright. Animation quality was pretty good and the story wasn't too bad, maybe some plot points were skimmed over.

6.5/10 - It didn't really catch my attention that much, but I still enjoyed it... somewhat.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Spiral Labyrinth

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden 2: Spiral Labyrinth (1999, JC Staff, 14 OVAs) on 11/29/2017.

After his father's death, young Yang Wen-Li wasn't left with much to fend for himself, and his plans to study history at Heinessen Memorial University were made impossible by his lack of funds. He finds an alternate option by studying history through the War History Studies Department of the Free Planets Alliance Officer Academy where his tuition fees are waived in the condition that he join military service upon graduation. Left without much choice, Wen-Li agrees and later becomes the centerpiece of a fated event that would change his life and career in ways he could have never imagined.

After watching the first entry in the series of adaptations of the LotGH novels, I decided to start watching the rest of the series in the chronological order of events. And if I don't have the order wrong, this should be the first one to hit.
These 14 OVAs were extremely interesting to watch despite the lack of action and the crazy amount of monologue and dialogue present in the episodes. It sort of reminded me of Death Note. Lots of dialogue, but still interesting. In this case it's not about meticulosuly plotting supernatural death, but uncovering the intriguing truth behind the suspected murder of a great historical war general. But what makes it even more interesting is how Wen-Li's higher-ups move him around from assignment to assignment, landing him chance encounters with people somehow connected to his investigation.
Another thing to note is the visual quality of the show. The design of the characters seem to be pretty good and have a nice visual consistency throughout. But I think that's because there was perhaps little to animate as most of the time characters are just sitting around talking or thinking, so the resources were spent mostly on keeping each of the few frames from looking like crud.

8/10 - I'm really surprised at how I never got bored listening to Wen-Li just do his research and listen to war veterans reminisce for most of the episodes. Well, I guess there were the flashback sequences as the stories were revealed, so there was some action going on, specially later in the episodes. Either way I really enjoyed it.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars

Finished watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars (1988, Artland, Madhouse, 59mins) on 11/8/2017.

Set in a fictitious future where mankind has expanded into deep space, even having colonized other habitable planets, two factions have been waging war for years in the sea of stars - the Free Planets Alliance, and the Galactic Empire. Working under the flag of the empire, Reinhard von Lohengramm arrives at the Iserlohn Fortress, but not before he has to deal with an attack by a small Alliance force in which Yang Wen-li serves as a Staff Officer.

After having watched a handful of space-opera series, namely Captain Harlock, Yamato and Macross, I came across recommendations for the Legend of the Galactic Heroes as THE space-opera to watch. Well, why the heck not, I thought. Having looked through a few screenshots and artwork I began to fear that the series might be too serious and technical for my taste. Well... I came to find that it was, but! It did a very good job at it, thus surprising me. Well, this movie at least. The artwork is beautiful and the classical music that goes with it only emphasizes its beauty. Specially when it plays during space combat and you see the tactical plans being made on the fly. It's... oddly exciting. And for a later 80's movie, I can only imagine the animation quality must've been pretty amazing! Another thing that caught me off guard was maybe how Reinhard and Siegfried acted around each other. From the movie alone I was able to gather that they seem to be close friends but... I guess I wasn't expecting how, uhm, well, comfortable they are with each other. As if the movie is trying hard to appeal to a specific audience... perhaps. Not that it's something that bothered me, in fact I was amused by it. There's just something, graceful about them. And to further accentuate that grace there's this visual theme that the Empire seems to have adopted with the inside of their ships. The decks all seem to share this early Roman aesthetic with marble pillars and architecture. And the uniforms they wear are also beautifully detailed as opposed to the more basic, army-like look of the Alliance.

8/10 - It's definitely quite different from what I've watched so far. Then again, I don't have that much space-opera under my belt. But it was a great movie for sure and I definitely recommend it. It's not very long either, which is great in case you feel like it's not really your cup of tea. But if you're into the genre, I'm sure you'll appreciate this movie for sure. And you don't have to pay much attention to the more complicated war mumbo-jumbo to appreciate the movie. As long as you get the basic gist of it, it becomes very enjoyable.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Finished watching Megazone 23

Finished watching Megazone 23 (1985, AIC, Artland, Tatsunoko, 80mins) on 10/18/2017.

Yahagi Shogo is given ownership of an unusual-looking, red motorcycle from a friend. Immediately after, black suits show up looking for the bike and Shogo drives off with it to later find out that the bike turns into an armed fighting robot. Looking for a place to hide, he then contacts Takanaka Yui, a girl he had just met to help him out. After a series of strange events, the two find themselves in the middle of a government conspiracy hiding secrets that question what's real and what's not, including a popular musical idol named Tokimatsuri Eve.

So first off, this movie was put together by the same staff as the original Macross series. Cool, right? I love their style. There's a lot of similarities with the two IPs. Visual. Thematic. Robots. Idols. Space. 80s. It's great! The music of course is pretty awesome with Eve's songs and the soundtrack just has that typical 80s synth stuff. What I enjoyed about the story was the conspiracy going on with Eve and how she gets the main characters involved in it. It's an interesting concept.

8/10 - But despite all my praise, I think the storytelling suffers from its age. Old anime seem to always have thing that don't quite add up and this one's no different. But it wasn't too bad.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Finished playing Pokemon Sun

Finished playing Pokemon Sun (2017, Gamefreak, Nintendo 3DS) on 10/17/2017.
Gameplay Hours: 130

The Alola region is teeming with exotic new Pokemon to be found and a new type of challenge for young Pokemon trainers! Embark on another 'Gotta catch'em all!' adventure as you travel through the various islands of Alola in search of new species and even old ones with an Alolan twist! And with those new friends take on the Island Challenge, unique to this new region!

Human characters in the Pokemon games have always been represented in tiny sprites and eventually evolved to child-like 3D models in the 6th generation of core games. Those models have evolved yet again this time around to more closely resemble actual human anatomy, forgoing the traditional "chibi" style. This is a very welcome change to keep things fresh.

And as the franchise evolves to freshen up itself, so do its traditions. Sun and Moon have switched from the usual 8-badge challenge to the unique new Island Challenge, where a Pokemon trainer must undergo different Pokemon trials throughout the islands of Alola. These trials, maintained by trainers known as Trial Captains range from search-and-defeat goals to puzzle-solving objectives which ultimately lead to a battle against a Totem Pokemon, an alpha-leader guarding each trials' locations. And once those trials have been cleared, a chief Pokemon trainer known as an Island Kahuna must test out the trainer's abilities in battle, rewarding them with a stamp on their Trainer Passport as proof.

And along with a more complex storyline and many other new features, those are only some of the more significant tradition-breaking changes that this generation has brought to its fans.

9/10 - Pokemon Sun and Moon go down as a very important step forward for the franchise and I was glad to experience it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Finished watching Dragon Ball

Finished watching Dragon Ball (1986, Toei Animation, 153 epi.) on 10/10/2017.

Goku is a young child with unbelieavable strenght and agility who's always lived up in the mountains, away from civilization. Bulma is a feisty, high-tech, city girl on a quest to find the seven legendary Dragon Balls using the Dragon Ball Radar she built. When all seven balls are gathered, the great Shen Lon dragon can be summoned to grant any one wish. And Goku just so happens to have one of them, thus bringing the two characters together for an adventure of a lifetime.

8.5/10 - I've actually never watched Dragon Ball back-to-back. As a kid I only watched a couple of episodes whenever I could as I was always stuck doing homework when it came on TV. Having it finally watched it all properly, I came to realize that watching the show as opposed to reading the manga it's based on can be a bit of a different experience. Y'see, one of the things this show is well-known for is the ridiculous prolonging of scenes by doing things like having characters stare at eachother for unnecesarily long amounts of time or even adding filler episodes or small parts and skits into a scene all for the sake of prolonguing the series' number of episodes. Whereas in the manga the pacing of the story is much quicker than the show, in a good way. That prolonguement of the episodes was a significant factor in my rating of the series. The next one might've been Goku's voice not changing very much with his age, hahah! That kinda bothers me. But maybe not so much. I don't know, maybe I was just used to the western dubs where his voice matures. Other than that it was still an enjoyable show. I'm just really left wondering what it would've felt like if the episodes weren't so long with all that filler content in the way. Well, I guess I might get an inkling when I watch Dragon Ball Z Kai next.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Finished watching Space Guardian Angel Links

Finished watching Space Guardian Angel Links (1999, Sunrise, 13 epi.) on 10/5/2017.

Li Meifon is the captain of a beautiful, white spaceship appropriately named Angel Links. Her and her crew run a free space escort service, providing protection from space-pirates and other threats to those traveling or transporting their goods through space. 

7/10 - Hmm... this one's tough. I feel like it deserves a better score. It was an entertaining series for sure, but the final episode didn't do the story much justice and is probably the biggest reason for the score it got from me. Up until then I was always intrigued to watch the next episode. The characters were pretty cool, Meifon's backstory seemed pretty interesting, the pacing was good and so I was really getting excited to see what the final episode was going to be like. Well, maybe the show had to end prematurely, I'm not sure. Maybe I'll try to read the manga that it's based on one day to see how it compares.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Finished watching Outlaw Star

Finished watching Outlaw Star (1998, Sunrise, 24 epi.) on 09/14/2017.

Somewhere out there in outer space is a fabled treasure trove know as the Galactic Leyline. Somewhere out there in space there is also a man lost in the pleasures of alcohol and women, who carries a special firearm with magical attributes known as a Caster. That man, is none other than Gene Starwind. Whom with his crew of few and very diverse characters, are off to find the treasure of the Galactic Leyline. One of his crewmates however, isn't looking for the riches promised in the legends... but is actually in search of herself and her reason of being. That would be Melfina, an android whom Gene made a promise to help find the answers she seeks.

Man! Gene mutherf**kin' Starwind! I'll tell you what! Alright, Outlaw Star is an amazing show, almost on the same level as Cowboy Bebop, just not as classy. More spunky. Half of the show unfortunately are episodes that could be skipped, but some of those do offer a couple of plot hints and pieces that build up for the ending. Fortunately, all these episodes in the show are VERY entertaining and funny and amazing! Not one episode bored me out or necessarily made me feel like it was trying to prolong things. But the pacing is a bit wonky after the first few episodes. But most importantly I think the show knows to not take itself too seriously, maybe that's why it's very entertaining. The animation is really good, but sometimes the character's faces look a bit strange... but that could just be from the art style. The soundtrack is really cool too! Sometimes it really adds to the excitement of the scenes.

8.5/10 - Definitely a great show all around! Definitely worth a rewatch in a couple years.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Finished watching Leda, The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko

Finished watching Leda, The Fantastic Adventure of Yoko (1985, Kaname Production, 75 mins.) on 07/19/2017.

High School student, Yoko wrote a song to confess her love for a classmate. After attempting to approach him, she loses the courage to show him the song and walks past him. Then suddenly, in a strange twist of fate, she is magically brought into another dimension. There she meets a talking dog and becomes a sword-wielding warrior when threatened by a futuristic bike gang who steals the cassette tape with her love song. With her new found power she must retrieve the song back and find her way back home.

7/10 - This is one of those hidden gems of the 80's. It's a good movie with interesting visuals. The plot is a bit generic, but not bad. Did you know that Yoko shares the same voice actress as Dragon Ball's Bulma? Anyways... there's also giant robots, which is also pretty cool. Their designs are, well, unique. But one of them is pretty cool actually. I just don't want to spoil much about it. Well, either way they don't get much use though... I also wish I'd see more fighting action from Yoko. Wouldn't mind seeing her swing her sword around a bit more.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Finished watching Macross Delta

Finished watching Macross Delta (2016, Studio Satelight, 26 epis.) on 07/17/2017.

A disease has spread through the remote location of the Milky Way Galaxy called the Brisingr Globular Cluster. This disease dubbed the Var Syndrome turns humanoids berserk with a killing intent. But the music of a talented idol group by the name of Walküre seems to suppress the symptoms of the infected. Wishing to join this group is an apple-loving young girl from planet Windermere, who at the end of her stowaway trip meets Hayate, a young man with a passion to cruise the skies.

7.5/10 - Accompanying these series I always find myself intrigued about the new song idols and how different the idol ideas seem to be with each new iteration. For Macross Delta I was pleased to see them go the idol group way. Not because idol anime is what I'm into, specially since I haven't watched any, but because the potential was there and that's what was popular at the time. So I'm really excited about what will be done next. Maybe a DJ artist or band? Or maybe something more traditional. I'm really intrigued. As for the series itself, I really enjoyed it. Not the best Macross in my opinion, but quite up there. I really enjoyed the songs and I think Mikumo has a great voice. In terms of mature voices, if we were comparing Mikumo to Sheryl, I'd totally go for Mikumo any day. There's something about Sheryl's voice that just seems forced or, maybe pretentious to me. At the same time I sorta get it, it reflects her big ego. And as tradition dictates, what would Macross be without a love triangle. Hayate, Freyja and Mirage are the main focus here, but I think it's obvious who has the upper hand on Hayate, of course. I mean, Freyja is pretty cute. But I also appreciate that Mirage doesn't feel discouraged by that.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Finished watching Miss Hokusai

Finished watching Miss Hokusai (2015, Production I.G., 90m) on 07/14/2017.

The Great Wave off Kanagawa, the popular painting by Japanese artist Hokusai. But he wasn't the only artist in his family. His equally-talented daughter Katsushika Ōi worked under his shadow while the two shared the same roof with Hokusai's apprentice. But Ōi's relationship with her father isn't the best, and his reluctance to visit his wife and younger daughter of two only makes things a bit more tense as Ōi juggles between the two.

Some might be quick to assume this is a movie from Ghibli studio. I was too... well, I thought I had heard a rumor that it was directed by Miyazaki's son... or something to that effect. Well, turns out it is neither of those things. It's actually Production I.G., whom I will always remember now as the same studio that worked on the Xenogears animation sequences. But there are some visual similarities to a Ghibli production, so maybe that's understandable.
Anyways, Miss Hokusai focuses mainly on the relationship between Hokusai and his two daughters. One of which, Katsushika Ōi is just as talented with a brush as he is. His younger daughter is blind, and is rarely visited by her father who relies on Ōi to keep him up to date on the family as she is the one that visits them often.

7.5/10 - I really liked this one, and at 90mins-long it felt like just the right length. I also liked how mystical it would get sometimes with some of the yokai elements in the movie. It actually reminded me of things like xxxHolic or Mushishi.